Tuesday 12 April 2011

The Wild Wild West


When you think about it, it's quicker to travel to Bali from Perth then it is to Sydney, our West Aussie brothers and sisters who are 5 hours by plane and a couple of days by car, sometimes go unnoticed in the creative fields, however when it come to alcohol be rest assured these guys are at the top of their game.

A mini Sydney I like to call it, a city, while be it a lot smaller, surrounded by water - the mighty swan river on one side sparkling in the sunshine bringing life to its meandering shore and the Indian ocean to the west 15 minutes drive to a long stretch of coastline that even Bondi would be jealous of.

It's in between that I find myself immersed in clusters of activity, buzzing community hubs and of course bars.... Lots and lots of bars...

The Bird ...

An amazing little addition to the Perth family... Minimal yet you feel at home right away cosy is definitely the new black in Perth and the aromas drifting through from Kakulas Bros are mesmerizing....

Impromptu whiskey and ABSOLUT Berri Acai tasting!! Not bad for a Tuesday!

The Garden

Ok so I'm doing a little competitor research and the Garden is an amazing outdoor venue - not new buy any means but since I haven't been back to Perth in a while a great excuse to lap up the sunshine.

Not as good as the ABSOLUT jugs featuring in Sydney ;-).


Double Lucky

Continuing on from strength to strength, Double Lucky are about to play host to a laneway party for Leederville residents while the exterior is repainted live by local street artists.  Happening in the 22nd of May this is one to watch.  in the meantime they continue their path of fantastic drinks combined with the efforts of great local talent every night.

The Brisbane Hotel

A staple for anyone living in Perth, sunshine in the beer garden, good tunes throughout the venue and amazing staff.

Today we're hitting it up with a training on all things gin and introducing ABSOLUT BERRI ACAI.

The Brissie crew hitting up a gin comparison tasting...

Plymouth vs Beefeater and the winner is.... The votes are a tie oh and one poor sod still think Bombay is lovely...... Eeeewwwwwww

Now up the street and my night finds me at Five Bar, the latest in the small bar phenomenon. A cocktail list of 5 x 45ml delectable delights fueled with home made bitters and sunkissed herbs, drinks made easy yet super super yummy just as you have cone to expect from Joel and Macca.

Mine a Pineapple and mint Julep made with 10 Cane my guests, a Pimms Cup with Plymouth gin of course!

And on the menu a chocolate box desert that is to die for....

Saturday 2 April 2011

The Baby Shower

An Amazing afternoon with friends and this delicious fig ricotta cake.... Paired beautifully with a Rose Moscato....


Location:Porch and Parlour