Sunday 31 December 2000

International search of the worlds whacky Bloody Mary

The Bloody Mary, arguably the worlds most popular cocktail, walk into any airport lounge and the only cocktail ingredients available are that for a Bloody Mary.

Personally Sunday morning isn't Sunday morning without a Bloody Mary in hand, the acidic tomato juice, the spice of the Tabasco, the heart of the worcestershire sauce not to mention my secret ingredient, Devils Tounge schnapps from a wee little distillery in the snowy mountains of Sydney, Thredbo.

What I love about the Bloody Mary and I think you'll all agree is that nobody makes as good a one as you do!

On and off for the next few months, I am on the hunt for The Bloody Mary, whacky recipes, old favorites, specialities and down right weird...

If you love your Bloody Mary as much as I do stay tuned for a crazy, acidic, comforting, peace offering journey through smashed tomatoes, mustard and more....

Location:The World...

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